For sneakers, you may cancel your order within 3 hours of placing it or before it is confirmed by the seller - whichever comes first. If 3 hours have passed from when you placed the order and/or the seller has already confirmed the order, then the order cannot be canceled. If neither have occurred, you can cancel your order first by accessing it via “Track My Order” or “My Account,” clicking “Cancel Order” and following the instructions.If you checked out as a guest, you will need to create a KICK ZONE account.
Delivery and processing speeds vary by pricing options. The following shipping estimates apply only to the contiguous US and exclude deliveries to PO boxes and military bases. All delivery times are estimates and are not guaranteed. Shipments may be affected by weather-related delays, carrier limitations or other events outside of our control.
Standard shipping delivery time is 14-21 business days (Monday to Friday, excluding holidays).
Estimated delivery times do not apply to international orders. International customers are responsible for any additional fees or taxes after an item ships.
All sales with KICK ZONE are final.
If you have any questions or concerns with regard to sizing or condition of a specific product on our site, please contact us before purchasing.